An Ace and an Ice Bowl

I hit my second career Ace (hole-in-one) at the Ice Bowl on Saturday! Coyote Hills in Carlisle PA, #7. In the few years I’ve been playing I’ve only hit two, both in the last four months and both at a tournament. Its fun to have a course full of players around, when everybody hears that extra-loud CHING! followed by some shouting its pretty obvious what just happened. Gets you pumped up. Anyway I paid my $2 to be in the Ace Pot before the tournament so I won some cash and since it was for charity the pot got split 50/50 so I actually raised a bit more money for the Project Share donation that way. Doing well by doing good indeed.

I got to play a round with my good friend Roger and his friend Dave who I’ve hung out with plenty. Rog actually talked to me about disc golf years ago but we never went out. Good to see him out playing in the snow. Oh, the snow! It was pretty deep in places. Mostly about a foot deep, some footprints to follow but not many. Ribbons taped to discs were a must. People were losing them all over the place even so. There is a good article HERE about playing winter disc golf if you want some quality advice. It was a pretty rigorous workout, the hills were slow going. The tee pads were cleared but every shot was from a stand-still otherwise, theres no x-stepping through 14 inches of crusty snow. The Ice Bowl is No Wimps, No Whiners so I better stop before I sound like I’m whining! My next Ice Bowl is Saturday February 6th. It looks like the foot of snow on the ground will be melted by then and the field should be mud. It’s at Creekside in Camp Hill, PA and as the name implies – it’s next to a creek. I expect it should be high and muddy an damn close to overflowing the banks that day. Lots of potential for plastic donations to the river gods.

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