Codorus Township Park – Halloween Bash 2015

Not just the first, but the First Annual CTP Halloween Bash I hope!  Fun to get in on a disc golf course’s first sanctioned tournament. I played so-so , I think everyone walked away feeling like they could have taken home a win. The scores were all pretty close. I always say each tournament I play teaches me a lesson, the lesson from Saturday is pay attention to what is behind. So yeah, hole 9 is a triangle Island with Out-of-Bounds on all three sides. The basket is in the far corner of the triangle.  My drive was nice, it slid on the grass maybe 20 feet short of the pin, no gimme but nothing I haven’t hit a hundred times. Naturally I went for it, nice putt just a touch high – it caught the top of the basket and kicked it OB. *sigh*. I hadn’t considered what was right behind the basket for some reason – out of freakin’ bounds. That one hurt. Anyway, after the first round I ended up on the lead card, played a good second round and I won my card by a throw. I thought that would set up a play-off for the win with the other guy on my card since he beat me by one the first round and I beat him by one in the second round. I was wrong, I wasn’t paying attention to the chase card, one of the players on the chase beat us both by three throws so we tied for second place and split the prize. Lots of lessons learned this year.  I think that was my last competitive tournament for the year, hoping I have the points to earn an invite to the AM Worlds in Wisconsin in 2016!

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